
Friday, December 21, 2018

Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Hayes, October 10, 1863

Camp White, October 10, 1863.

Dear Mother: — I have just received your good long letter from Delaware on [of] the 3d. . . . There was no time for Lucy to stop at Delaware on her way here. We were likely to be sent South immediately after the battle in Georgia, and I telegraphed her to come at once if she wished to see me. Our going was not ordered as expected, and now we are more likely to go to Ohio to recruit this winter than South. The Twenty-third was the first original three-year regiment and its time will be out in a few months. The men are re-enlisting for another three years and there is a fair prospect of continuing the regiment if we can get a little while at home this winter.

In the present uncertainty as to our winter campaign, I can make no arrangements for my family. In the meantime Lucy is enjoying a visit here. We have a number of agreeable ladies in camp, and are making pleasant acquaintances among the citizens. Charleston was a fine town before the war, and had a very cultivated society. The war broke it up, but now the town is gaining again and will ultimately recover its former prosperity. Give my love to friends.

Mrs. Sophia Hayes.

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 439-40

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