
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Commandant Samuel F. DuPont to Gustavus V. Fox, Monday Evening, October 28, 1861

Wabash, H Rds.         
Monday Evg. 28. Oct 61
My Dear Sir

I wrote to-day and have nothing of importance to add except that the weather is still moderating and the coal fleet has sailed under convoy of Vandalia and Gem of the Sea.

It is in reference to a little circumstance in connection with the coal vessels that I drop this line. Cap. Haggerty was told to inform the Captains of the coal ships that the Rendezvous in case of separation at sea would be Savannah, as I did not wish to name the other place to so many and it is well I took the precaution, for Capt. Haggerty through some misconception told them the Rendezvous yesterday, instead of waiting for the last moment. One of these men went ashore and told he was ordered to go to Savannah — which I presume has gone by this time both North and South and I thought it best you should know the facts in the case.

We sail at Daylight and may God give us success is the prayer of Yours

Most truly
S. F. D. P.
Mr. Fox
Ass. Sec.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 63

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