
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Diary of Captain Luman Harris Tenney: Thursday, March 2, 1865

Commenced to rain early. Our div. in advance. Massed just before reaching S. Reached our old camp at Waynesboro at 3 p. M. The Va. Brigade formed mounted. We formed dismounted. Went out where we could see the rebel line on a hill and in the woods, running almost around W. 2nd Ohio in advance as skirmishers. Forward was given and the 2nd went forward until it carried the woods and the hill, driving the Johnnies pell-mell. I was mounted and went in on the muscle, when the rebs gave way. Took a great many prisoners myself. Captured 1,300 prisoners, 10 guns and 150 wagons and 10 stands of colors. Advance charged through the gap and burned a heavy amount of supplies at Greenville. Gen. Early barely escaped capture. It is a wonder to me how the boys stood it so well. Gen. Custer gave us great credit. Camped just through the gap. Raining.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 146

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