
Sunday, January 6, 2019

N. Coryell to William Still, January 2, 1857

HAVANA, J an. 2, 1857.

DEAR SIR: — Your favor containing draft on N. York, for Daniel Robertson, came to hand on the 31st ult. Daniel begs to tender his acknowledgments for your kind interest manifested in his behalf, and says he hopes you will leave no measure untried which has any appearance of success, and that the money shall be forthcoming at a moment’s notice. Daniel thinks that since Christmas, the chances for his wife's deliverance are fewer than before, for at that time he fears she was disposed of and possibly went South.

The paper sent me, with your well-written article, was received, and on reading it to Daniel, he knew some of the parties mentioned in it — he was much pleased to hear it read. Daniel spent New Year’s in Elmira, about 18 miles from this place, and there he met two whom he was well acquainted with.

Yours, &c.,
WM. STILL, Esq., Phila.

SOURCE: William Still, The Underground Railroad: A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters &c., p. 331

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