
Saturday, February 16, 2019

George L. Stearns to Governor John A. Andrew, May 8, 1863

Mansion House, Buffalo, May 8, 1863

I have worked every day, Sunday included, for more than two months, and from fourteen to sixteen hours a day. I have filled the West with my agents. I have compelled the railroads to accept lower terms of transportation than the Government rates. I have filled a letter-book of five hundred pages, most of it closely written.


This letter is respy. referred to Surgeon Genl. Dole with the request that he would confer with Surgeon Stone and Lt. Col. Hallowell. It is surprising, and not fair nor fit, that a man trying, as Mr. Stearns is, to serve the country at a risk should suffer thus by such disagreement of opinion.

John A. Andrew.

SOURCE: Preston Stearns, The Life and Public Services of George Luther Stearns, p. 292-3

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