
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

George Thompson, February 10, 1835

PORTLAND, Maine, Tuesday evening,}
February 10th, 1835.}

My dear Brother — The following hasty and brief account of my labors since I parted with you on Wednesday evening, will, I believe, be interesting to you, and the result proves that the God of our cause does not permit us to labor in vain, nor spend our strength for nought.

Thursday, Feb. 5th. Left Boston for Dover, N. H. at eight in the morning, accompanied by Rev. Amos A. Phelps. Arrived at half past five, and were most kindly received and entertained by the Rev. D. Root, the Congregational Minister, “an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile. At eight o'clock, delivered a preliminary lecture in Mr. Root's Church, to a very respectable congregation.

Friday, 6th. Occupied the day in conference with the excellent ministers of the Baptist and Methodist Episcopal Churches, the Rev. Messrs. Williams and Perkins, and found them devoted in heart and understanding to our holy enterprise. In the evening, delivered a second Lecture in the M. E. meeting-house. Although the weather was rendered inclement by a snow storm, the audience was numerous.

Saturday, 7th. In the afternoon, drove to Great Falls, accompanied by Mr. Phelps. Received a hearty welcome from Rev. Mr. Smith, of the Congregational Church. In the evening, at half past six, gave a lecture in the Baptist meeting-house, and obtained twenty-two subscribers at 12½ cents per month to the American Society. Found the worthy pastor of the church in which I lectured, the Rev. Abner Goodell, a warm friend.

Sunday, 8th. In the morning, delivered an Anti-Slavery discourse in the pulpit of the Rev. Mr. Williams, Dover. Sunday afternoon, delivered a second Anti-Slavery discourse in the pulpit of the Rev. David Root. Audience very large and highly respectable. Sunday evening, delivered a third Anti-Slavery discourse in Mr. Root's Church, which was crowded. The audience composed of persons from all the churches in the town. O, it was indeed refreshing to witness harmony, good will, fellowship, and co-operation in our cause, existing and prevailing amongst ministers and churches throughout a neighborhood At the close of my discourse, a collection was taken up, and $44 62½ was obtained.

Monday, 9th. In the afternoon, at half past two, held a public meeting in Mr. Root's Church, and formed male and female Anti-Slavery Associations for Dover. One hundred and twelve names were subscribed to the Constitution, and about fifty-six monthly subscribers of 12½ cents, each subscriber receiving a copy of the Anti-Slavery Record.

Monday Evening, 8 o'clock. Held a second public meeting in Mr. William's Church, and obtained nearly three hundred additional names, to the Constitution, and fifty additional monthly subscribers, making a total of four hundred members of the Society, and one hundred subscribers for the Record. Thus, about two hundred dollars have been raised in Dover for the cause of Abolition.

To what is this success to be attributed? 1st, To the essential goodness of our cause, and the blessing of God upon our labors; and 2ndly, Instrumentally, principally to the co-operation of the Ministers of Religion. Our experience at Dover has afforded another demonstration to the truth of what I have so often assumed, that the fate of Slavery in this country depends upon the will and conduct of the ministers of the Gospel. Why did the people in Dover assemble in such numbers? Why did they join so heartily in the cause? Why did they so liberally subscribe? Because they saw their beloved pastors going forward in the work, and felt, therefore, confidence and courage.

Brother Phelps, myself, and Mr. Benson, reached this place about four, to-day. The Cumberland County Convention meets to-morrow, at 10 o'clock. You shall learn the result on Saturday.

We are all under the roof of the Winslows, who are as kind and generous as ever.

Yours most affectionately,

SOURCE: Isaac Knapp, Publisher, Letters and Addresses by G. Thompson [on American Negro Slavery] During His Mission in the United States, From Oct. 1st, 1834, to Nov. 27, 1835, p. 38-40

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