
Friday, February 15, 2019

William T. Sherman to George Mason Graham, January 9, 1860

Seminary, Monday, Jan. 9, i860.

According to your request, I prepared yesterday and will mail today for Governor Wickcliffe: 1. A copy of our morning report of yesterday giving numbers of officers, cadets, and servants. 2. Distribution of rooms, showing easy accommodations for one hundred forty-three cadets, and in case of necessity fifty more. 3. Copy of our register of cadets, giving names, etc., of thirty-one cadets (now thirty-two). . . 4. Copy of the proceedings of the Academic Board, showing the basis of instruction, text books, etc. Still subject to change, before being finally referred to the Board of Supervisors for approval.

And lastly I wrote him a letter, giving him such details and suggestions as occurred to me at the time.  Of all these I retain copies, and would send them to you only they are voluminous, and are always here of record, and will be examined by you on your next visit. Our mess arrangements, drill and recitations work as smoothly as I would expect. . .

Dr. Smith1 sent me word to send him about the close of this month at Baton Rouge full details for his use. I think I had better do so, carefully and minutely.

1 State senator and member of the Board of Supervisors. — Ed.

SOURCE: Walter L. Fleming, General W.T. Sherman as College President, p. 106-7

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