
Monday, March 18, 2019

Amos A. Lawrence to Senator Charles Sumner, October 10, 1856

Cottage Farm, Brookline, October 10, 1856.

My Dear Sir, — Having been informed that you contemplate making a visit to Boston, and knowing how difficult it will be for you to avoid the fatigue and excitement which must attend your stay within the city, I beg to offer you a home at my house.

You may prefer to be with some one of those who agree with you in regard to party politics, and you will without doubt have many invitations from nearer and dearer friends than I am; but I assure you that no one will give you a more cordial welcome.

With much regard, yours truly,
A. A. L.

SOURCE: William Lawrence, Life of Amos A. Lawrence: With Extracts from His Diary and Correspondence, p. 141

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