
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Diary of Captain Luman Harris Tenney: April 6, 1865

Drew rations in the night. Moved at 7 — whole army. Cavalry to the left of Burkeville. Charged the reb wagon train. Scattered the skirmish line and charged each way. Chester and myself charged nearly 4 miles, nearly to the head of train — no support. (Battle of Sailor's Creek.) Chester wounded in the head. Eggleston and Smith got several pieces of artillery. Got back to command by a circuitous route, the rebs having cut us off. Two divisions charged mounted and were repulsed. Reformed and charged again with success, the 6th Corps engaging the rear. Lt. Stearns killed. Several Co. "C" captured. Several thousand prisoners, many colors, Generals and cannon. 2nd credited 650 prisoners, 60 officers and 4 pieces of artillery. Lost good men.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 155

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