
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Francis Amasa Walker to Governor John Andrew, May 31, 1861

I should be much gratified to receive a commission in one of the companies to be organized for the war, if it might consist with your duty to the service. I cannot assure myself that I am peculiarly qualified for military rank, to which I have had but little inclination; yet I am confident of a mind willing to perform any office through the length and breadth of it.

I have had some instruction in company movements under well-appointed soldiers, and my general education will, I trust, be found sufficient to any probable demand in such position. I beg you, however, not to believe that I make a Commission the condition of my service for I hold myself ready for the humblest and hardest work in the sacred cause.

I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's Obdt. Servt.,
Francis Amasa Walker.

SOURCE: James Phinney Munroe, A Life of Francis Amasa Walker, p. 31-2

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