
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Major-General William T. Sherman to Captain Charles C. Smith, October 4, 1863

Gayoso House, Memphis, Tennessee,
October 4, 1863 — Midnight.

Captain C. C. Smith, commanding Battalion Thirteenth United States Regulars.

My Dear Friend: I cannot sleep to-night until I record an expression of the deep feelings of my heart to you, and to all the officers and soldiers of the battalion for their kind behavior to my poor child. I realize that you all feel for my family the attachment of kindred, and I assure you of full reciprocity.

Consistent with a sense of duty to my profession and office, I could not leave my post, and sent for the family to come to me in that fatal climate, and in that sickly period of the year, and behold the result; the child that bore my name, and in whose future I reposed with more confidence than I did in my own plan of life, now floats a mere corpse, seeking a grave in a distant land, with a weeping mother, brother, and sisters, clustered about him. For myself I ask no sympathy. On, on I must go to meet a soldier's fate, or live to see our country rise superior to all factions, till its flag is adored and respected by ourselves and by all the powers of the earth.

But Willie was, or thought he was, a sergeant in the Thirteenth. I have seen his eye brighten, his heart beat, as he beheld the battalion under arms, and asked me if they were not real soldiers. Child as he was, he had the enthusiasm, the pure love of truth, honor and love of country, which should animate all soldiers.

God only knows why he should die thus young. He is dead, but will not be forgotten till those who knew him in life have followed him to that same mysterious end.

Please convey to the battalion my heartfelt thanks, and assure each and all that if in after years they call on me or mine, and mention that they were of the Thirteenth Regulars when Willie was a sergeant, they will have a key to the affections of my family that will open all it has; that we will share with them our last blanket, our last crust!

Your friend,
W. T. Sherman,
Major General

SOURCES: James C. Bush, Editor, Journal of the Military Service Institution of the United States, Volume 15, p. 1110-1; Civil War Pension Index Cards for the identification of Captain Charles C. Smith, 13th United States Infantry.

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