
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Negroes For Sale, December 29, 1839


AT the subscribers house No. 58 Esplanade street, will be kept for sale from this date until the first June next, a constant supply of Slaves of every description that will be offered in this market.  He will receive and sell slaves on commission from persons living in the city or elsewhere; and will also board all persons who bring negroes to the city for sale, provided they wish board for the same, — and will convey all purchasers to his house free of charge, as they will find the walk a long one; and at the same time will show to all those that accompany him all other negroes that are shipped from the Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina markets, as well as all those brought from any other markets. Purchasers who deal with the subscriber may rest assured, whenever desired, he will make known to them the different states that the different negroes are last removed from.  And will furthermore add, that all purchasers who may favor him with their patronage, may depend on having justice done them.  For further particulars refer to Austin Woolfolk or George T. Kausler, City Hotel, formerly known as Bishop’s.

B. C. Eaton
Dec 14

SOURCE: The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, Louisiana, Sunday, December 29, 1839, p. 1

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