
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 132. Report of Capt. Jacob Miller, Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry, of operations December 15-16, 1864.

No. 132.

Report of Capt. Jacob Miller, Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

Spring Hill, Tenn., December 22, 1864.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to make the following report of the part my regiment took in the movement of the army on the 15th and 16th instant:

On the 16th [15th] instant, at 6.30 a.m., we moved from our camp in rear of our works, on the right of the Franklin pike, and formed column, by division, en masse with the brigade. Soon after orders were received, and we moved to the right of our line, where our regiment again formed line of battle, the One hundred and fourth Ohio and Twelfth Kentucky resting in our front. At 12 m. it was evident that a move was being made to the right. At 1 p.m. orders were again received, and we continued our movement slowly to the right. At 4 p.m. we again formed line of battle for the purpose of supporting the Third Brigade of the Second Division, which at the time was advancing a short distance to the right and about 100 yards to the front. Soon the rattle of musketry was heard, and we were ordered forward on double-quick to form on their right and rear, their right having become hotly pressed. Night coming on the Third Brigade, Second Division, was withdrawn and we moved forward and took position on the line they had occupied, with our right resting on the Twelfth Kentucky and left on the One hundredth Ohio. By direction of Colonel Doolittle, commanding brigade, we constructed a line of earth-works during the night to protect our front. During the whole time we were constructing our works the enemy's sharpshooters, a few hundred yards in our front, and immediately in front of works they were at the same time constructing, kept up a constant firing. On the morning of the 16th no change on the part of the enemy in our front was visible, only that they had finished their works, some 400 yards distant, which looked very formidable. The sharpshooters continued their firing, and at 8.30 o'clock one man of Company D, while coming from the rear to the works, was struck in the left hip, causing a severe flesh wound. We remained in this position until 3 p.m., when we were ordered to charge and occupy the enemy's works in our immediate front, which we did, driving the enemy's skirmishers before us and their artillerists from their guns, who were just in the act of charging them with canister. Night coming on, we encamped some 200 yards to the left and rear of the enemy's works, constructing a line of earth-works.

I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Comdg. Sixteenth Kentucky Veteran Volunteer Infantry.
Capt. J. H. BROWN,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 418-9

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