
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Judge Ebenezer R. Hoar to Governor John A. Andrew, May 1861

Saturday afternoon.

My Dear Fellow: I came to seize you and take you down to dine at our club — where we expect Motley — for your soul's salvation or body's, at least. Send that foolish Council away till Monday. A man who has no respect for Saturday afternoon, has but one step to take, to join in abolishing the 4th of July. “The Court, having considered your case, do adjudge,” that you come — if you can't come now, come down half an hour hence — to Parker's.

E. R. Hoar.

SOURCE: Henry Greenleaf Pearson, The Life of John A. Andrew: Governor of Massachusetts, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 261

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