
Friday, May 3, 2019

Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Amasa Walker to Lucy Stoughton, April 18, 1864

I hope you are very well at the Falls and I wish I were there myself. The fact is I feel that it is just about time for me to be going home again, and the only trouble is that my immediate commanders don't see it in that light. It would be very nice indeed to be in some civilized place again after three months of the utter barbarism of camp life in Virginia.

I suppose we shall begin our campaign in a week or two, and then you will find the newspapers interesting. Something will break before we give up in this trial for Richmond.

A great Review of the 6th Corps to-day — but the great Review is yet to come, of course I mean the review of the 2nd. I wish dear Lucy you could be here to see it, over twenty thousand veterans all on one field with music and banners and cannon and two thousand horsemen. My! it is quite grand even for an old soldier to see.

SOURCE: James Phinney Munroe, A Life of Francis Amasa Walker, p. 69

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