
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Colonel Thomas H. Perkins and Others to Daniel Webster

[Mr. Webster's first nomination to Congress from Massachusetts.]

Boston, October 18, 1822.

Dear Sir, — We, the undersigned, having been chosen at a meeting of delegates from all the wards, held at Concert Hall on Thursday evening last, a committee to acquaint you, that at that meeting you were unanimously selected to be recommended to the support of their fellow-citizens, to represent the District of Suffolk, in the next Congress of the United States; and having been, by your absence from town, unable to wait upon you personally, have the pleasure to address you, to communicate the above fact; and we beg you to be assured, that in the performance of this duty we experience a peculiar satisfaction, which will be greatly enhanced by the knowledge of your consent to conform, upon this occasion, to the wishes of your friends, in the number of which we hope to be considered, and with the highest respect and esteem remain,

Your obedient servants,

T. H. Perkins,

Wm. Sullivan,

Benj. Russell,
Wm. Sturgis,

J. W. T. Apthorp,

SOURCE: Fletcher Webster, Editor, The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster, Volume 1, p. 321

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