
Sunday, June 30, 2019

One Hundred and Fifty Dollars Reward, June 12, 1856

ONE HUNDERED AND FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. — I will give the above reward for the apprehension of my MEN, BEN and JAMES.  When last seen they were in Westmoreland county, Virginia, when they were making great efforts to escape in vessels freighting with wood for the North, and my possibly have succeeded in reaching Baltimore, from which place they will no doubt attempt to go North.  Ben is of a light brown complexion, 23 or 24 years old, of ordinary size, has a rather bushy head, with one of his from teeth half broken off.  He has with him a good supply of clothes, the kind of which is not particularly known, but I believe there is among them a blue cloth coat with a short skirt, quite wide, and has both a hat and cap.  Ben possesses more than ordinary intelligence, and will be very dexterous in making his escape to a free state.

James, who is the brother of Ben, is also of a light brown complexion, about 18 or 20 years old, rather under Ben’s size, but resembles him very much in appearance.  Has wide front teeth, and speaks quickly when spoken to.  James’ supply of clothes is not very good, nor is the kind known, but I believe he left with a light cloth sack coat and a cap.  Ben and James are no doubt in company.

I will give the above REWARD of ONE HUNDERED AND FIFTY DOLLARS if apprehended out of the State, and Fifty if taken in, so that I get them again.

Loretto, Esssex county, Va.
Je9 6t

SOURCE: “One Hundred and Fifty Dollars Reward,” Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, Thursday, June 12, 1856, p. 4 

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