
Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Last Will and Testament of William Byrd III, July 6, 1744

In the name of God, Amen. I, William Byrd, of Westover, in the County of Charles City, being of sound mind & health of body, make this my last will & testament, bearing date this sixth day of July, one thousand seven hundred & seventy-four.

In the first place, unworthy as I am, I resign my soul into the hands of its unerring Creator in all humble hopes of its eternal happiness thro' the Infinite Goodness of my most Merciful God & thro' the Merit & Interposition of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord.

Next I desire my Body may be privately buried by the tomb of my sister Evelyn in the old Church Yard. As to the remaining part of the Estate it has pleased God to bless me with, which thro' my own folly & inattention to accounts, thro' carelessness of some interested with the management thereof & the villany of others, is still greatly incumbered with debts, which imbitters every moment of my life. My will & Desire is that a Hundred negroes & such part of the plate & household furniture as my dearest wife can conveniently spare, together with my Library and part of my Stocks of Horses, Cattle & Sheep, be immediately sold to pay my Just Debts, & likewise that all the Debts due me from my Trustees, managers & adventurers in the Lottery, many of whom are still greatly in arrears, & Debts due to me in the Forge account, of which there are many to a great amount, be immediately sued for & collected & applied to the above purpose. I likewise desire that the money due me from Colonel Chiswell may be disputed in my account with the late Mr. John Robinson, which I think in justice he ought to pay, the Attorney General has the papers. I desire Mr. Jerman Baker be employed to settle all the accounts & that he apply to all those who stand on the Forge Books & to all those who had Tickets in the Lottery either for themselves or dispose of to other people, to render him their accounts & produce receipts, as many have done great Injustice therein. My will is also that my house in town be sold & a thousand pounds of the money be applied to pay Mr. William Allen for it, & the overplus to the payment of my Debts.

I give to my dearest & best of wives for her life, besides the deed she already has, the plantation of Westover & Buckland with all the remaining negroes & stocks of all sorts, & I likewise give to her so much of my Plate & the household furniture as she may choose to keep, together with my carriage & coach horses. I pray to almighty God to bless her & continue her in health for many years & I am convinced from the Goodness of Heart I have experienced in her she will take the tenderest care of all my children. It is my will & desire that at the death of my dearest wife all my Estates, whatsoever, consisting of Land, Negroes, Stocks of all sorts, plate, Books & furniture be sold as soon as convenient & the money arising from the sales thereof be equally divided among all my children that are alive at the time of my dear wife's death, deducting from the share of those I had by my first wife such sums as they may claim under the wills of my Deluded & superannuated Mother & my ungrateful son William, except the Ferry at the Falls left to my son John by his Brother William, which gift I have confirmed. My will is that four hundred pounds sterling be deducted from the share of my son Tom as I have already paid that sum for his commission, & whatsoever sums I may hereafter pay to promote him in the army are to be deducted out of his Dividends.

My will also is that five hundred pounds sterling be deducted from the share of my daughter Elizabeth, having paid her husband, Mr. Farley, that sum under the unjust will of my insane Mother.

My will likewise is that if my son Otway should quit the Navy before the death of my Dearest wife that he shall not be entitled to any part of the above said money arising from the above said sales & in that case I give him one shilling sterling.

My will also is that if my son Thomas Taylor should marry Susannah Randolph, the daughter of the present Attorney General, before the death of my dear wife that he shall not be entitled to any part of the aforesaid money arising from the aforesaid sales & in that case I give him one shilling sterling. My will is that the child Mrs. Byrd now goes with shall share equally with the rest of my children. Should any of my children be dead before my wife & leave lawful Issue, the share of my deceased child shall go to them & be equally divided among them. If my dearest wife should die before any of the children I have by her are married or come of age my will is that their share of the money aforesaid be put into the hands of Mr. Thomas Willing, of Philadelphia, if he be living, otherwise in the hands of Mr. Richard Willing, to be put to Interest for their use & maintenance, & I most earnestly recommend them to their care & protection. I pray God to bless & preserve them all & am unhappy I can do no more, which has shortened my days by many years. I give to my son John over & above that he may share of the money aforesaid all my right to the mines in Fincastle known by the name of Chiswell mines & two thousand acres I claim under his Majesties Proclamation of 1763. I likewise give him his choice of ten Negroes after my wife has chosen such as she pleases, I give to my son Tom a thousand acres of land I claim under the same Proclamation & his share of the money aforesaid, but upon the conditions aforesaid. I give to my son Otway over & above the money aforesaid, a thousand acres of the land I claim under this same Proclamation, but upon the conditions aforesaid. I give to my son Charles, who never offended me, a thousand acres of land in the County of Fincastle, known by the name of the Salt Springs, & which was surveyed for me by Mr. Arthur Campbell, being part of the land I claim under his Majesties Proclamation of 1763. I likewise give him his man Tom & little Jack White & his choice of two negro girls, over & above his share of the money aforesaid. I give to my daughter Elizabeth, Rachel & her family, over & above her share of the money aforesaid, making the deduction aforesaid. I give to my daughter Molly, Eleanor & Cate's Sarah, over & above her share of the money aforesaid. I give to my daughter Anne, Thomas' Hannah & Nancy's Nanny, over & above her share of the money aforesaid. I give to my daughter Evelyn, Jack's Sally & Garrett's Patty, over & above her share of the money aforesaid. I give to my daughter Abby, Statia's Aggy & Tom's sister Judith, over & above her share of the money. I give to my daughter Jenny & the child my wife now goes with two negro girls apiece over & above their share of the money aforesaid. I give to Mary Willing Robertson, the daughter of Anne Campbell, of Winchester, two hundred pounds, if so much remains, from the sales, Debts, &c. after paying my just Debts. Tis my earnest desire that my faithful servant Jack White, be set free on the Death of my beloved wife, for he has not only been the best of servants to me but has on different occasions saved me from the grave. I entrust this matter may be recommended to the Governor & Council. My desire is that the meadows may be carefully kept up, because they are invaluable & will make Westover sell for as much again. I do hereby appoint my dearest wife, her Brothers, my worthy friends Thomas Willing, Esq., & Charles Willing, Esq., Richard Willing, Esq., & James Willing, Esq., guardians to all my children under age at the time of my death. If my beloved wife should choose to take the trouble of the Executrix of this my last will, I then appoint her my Sole Executrix, but fear it will be too troublesome an office for her. If she declines it I do hereby appoint my son John Carter Byrd & my good friend Mr. Patrick Coutes, Executors of this my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal, this sixth day of July, 1774, as dated above & on the other sheet to which this is tacked.

The above was signed, sealed & published, delivered & declared, & pronounced by the said William Byrd as his last will & Testament in presence of us—

William Glen,
James Littlepage,
John Johnson.

At a court held for Charles City at the Court House, Wednesday, the 5th day of February, 1777.
The last will & Testament of William Byrd, Esq., deceased, was proved by the oaths of William Glen, James * * *

SOURCE: The Virginia Historical Society, The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Volume 9, No. 1, July 1901, p. 85-8

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