
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, January 8, 1862

Wabash 8" J any 62
Port Royal      
My Dear Sir

One word on a subject which has considerable effect on the morale of officers — viz — the publication or non publication of official reports.

I always intended to have suggested to Mr Welles the publication of my reports or such portions of them as could see the light by way of keeping up consecutive and correct information of our doings here, and thus carry along the antidote to the mistakes made and ignorance of letter writers. Some people are writing yet to know what has become of our people driven away from Tybee. The country believe at this moment that we are shut up in Port Royal and have not advanced a foot—while I am holding seven harbours of refuge in lieu of the two you required me to take. I say seven because South Edisto, and Ossabaw are nullified by North Edisto and St. Helena it being between the two, and Wassaw inlet covering Ossibaw.

Now comes the point. You have lately published some such reports and reconnaissances and not others — so that some officers are chronicled while others in equal operations are not. Drayton's report on N. Edisto I see reported—it is very interesting but his two previous ones on St. Helena much more so, and on the negro condition especially coming from him would have caused a good deal of effect.

So with R. Rodger's reports. You gave his capital one on Wassaw but not the one on Ossibaw. And then of all others, you have not published Davis's on yr favorite stone fleet. Now, different officers go on these Exp. and it is on their acct that I write.

I see more than I want of my own name, and wish to live through my officers.

I am going to lose two Lts. Please let me have Lt. Mackenzie. Excuse great haste.

Yrs most faithfully

What are your views about the commanding officers for Dale and Wyandotte?

Upshur has applied for one or the other, on principle he being Senior — the last has filled an immediate emergency. Luce too has to go to the Academy and will go North on R. Island. The young Masters must work up in their places but Luce and Upshur are tiptop men and Rodgers was so sorry to lose them and then Corbin I presume will go soon.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 99-100

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