
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Major-General Henry W. Halleck, May 11, 1862

Near Monterey Ten.
May 11th 1862

Since the publication of Special Field Orders No 35 relieving me from immediate command of any portion of the Army in the Field I have felt my position as anomylous and determined to have it correct, in some way, so soon as the present impending crisis should be brought to a close.  I felt that sensure was implied but did not which to call up the matter in the face of the enemy.

Now however as I believe it is generally understood through this army that my position differs but little from that one in arrest, and as this opinion may be much strengthened from the fact that orders to the Right Wing and the Reserve, both nominally under my command, are transmitted direct from General Head Quarters without going through me, I deem it due to myself to ask either full restoration to duty, according to my rank, or be relieved entirely from further duty.

I cannot, do not, believe that there is any disposition on the part of yourself to do me any injustice, but my suspicions have been aroused that you may be acting under instructions, from higher authority, that I know nothing of.

That there has been a studied persistent opposition to me by persons outside of the army, and it may be by some in it, I am fully aware.  This I care nothing for further than it is calculated to command.

In conclution then General I respectfully ask either to be relieved from duty entirely or to have my position so defined that there can be no mistaking it.

I address you to direct instead of through the A. A. Gen. because this is more a private matter, and one in which I may possibly be wrong, than on official business.

I am Gen. very respectfully
Your obt. svt.
Maj. Gen.

SOURCES: John Y. Simon, Editor, The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume 5: April 1-August 31, 1862, p. 114-5; John F. Marszalek, Editor, The Best Writings of Ulysses S. Grant, p. 24

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