
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Major-General Henry W. Halleck, March 21, 1862

Savannah, March 21, 1862.
Maj. Gen. H. W. HALLECK,
Saint Louis, Mo.:

I have just returned from Pittsburg. The roads back are next to impassable for artillery or baggage wagons. I have certain information that thirteen trains of cars arrived at Corinth on the 19th, with twenty cars to each train, all loaded with troops. This would indicate that Corinth cannot be taken without a general engagement, which, from your instructions, is to be avoided. This, taken in connection with the impassable state of the roads, has determined me not to move for the present without further orders.

The temper of the rebel troops is such that there is but little doubt but that Corinth will fall much more easily than Donelson did when we do move. All accounts agree in saying that the great mass of the rank and file are heartily tired. One thing I learn, however, is against us: Most of the impressed troops from this State are being sent to the sea-coast and older soldiers from there.

I do not think as yet any steps are being taken to interfere with the navigation of the river. Bands of cavalry are prowling all over West Tennessee collecting men who have been drafted into the service and such supplies as they can get.

Some 9 or 10 men made their escape from the cars at Bethel, and came in here yesterday. From them I learn there are about 400 men at Union City, two regiments of infantry and probably some cavalry at Humboldt, a force not estimated at Jackson, and small forces at various points on the road.

Paris and Bethel are deserted. They think the force at Union City is anxious to be captured.

I have just learned to-day that your dispatches to me after the taking of Fort Donelson reached Fort Henry—some of them, at least—but were never sent to me. What has become of the operator, then, at Fort Henry? I don't know. At present a soldier detailed from the ranks is filling the station. I have received no mail matter from below for several days, though boats are arriving constantly. My returns for the 20th will be ready to mail to-morrow.


SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 10, Part 2 (Serial No. 11), p. 55-6

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