
Monday, October 21, 2019

Special Dispatch to the Republican, February 9, 1862

FORT HENRY, February 9.

Gen. GRANT has just returned, with his staff, from making an extensive reconnoissance.  He had with him Cols. WEBSTER and McPHERSON, Engineers in Chief.

All the roads were thoroughly examined, and found to be much better than anticipated.  It will be easy to move on the Dover Road, which leads to Fort Donelson, and artillery can be taken along with comparative ease.

Three large iron works are situated near here; the most extensive being the La Grange.

A body of the Second cavalry, under Major Mudd, have just returned from a scouting expedition.  They bring with them thirty secession solders, taken in the skirmish.  Five of the enemy were left dead and one of our men.  A good many fine horses were captured.  The prisoners refuse to reveal anything in regard to affairs at Fort Donelson, but other reports state the garrison there very strong; in a better position and more capable of resistance than those were at Fort Henry.

Reinforcments are constantly arriving and the rebels cannot be less than 12,000 in number.  They have two small forts and three camps, several hundred yards away from the main fortification.

The timber is felled for a mile around, and every exertion is being made to resist desperately.  A much greater battle than that at Fort Henry may be expected.

Gen. PILLOW, from Columbus, is reported in command, and some of the best artillerists from the latter place have just arrived there.

One of the prisoners said that BEAUREGARD has assured them they would be sufficiently assisted.

All the rebels thus far captured have been sometimes, but seldom, being cut in the military style.  They have an abundance of food.

The gunboats Conestoga and Lexington have not yet returned from their cruise up the Tennessee river.

Capt. LAGON, of Gen. GRANT’s staff, has just arrived from an expedition on the steamer B. Up the river, Bring a Southern mail and other important matter.  Also four wagons, some powder, mules, &c., found in a deserted camp.

The following dispatches, saying a great deal in a little, are to be sent to night to Washington, in regard to the confirmation of Gen. SMITH’s nomination as Brigadier General.

To. Hon. E. B. Washburne, Washington City:

By all means get the Senate to re consider Gen. SMITH’s confirmation—there is no doubt of his loyalty and efficiency.  We can’t spare him now

U. S. GRANT, Brig. Gen.

Having entire confidence in Gen. GRANT’S representation, I take great pleasure in cocuring in his recommendation.

Brig. Gen. Commanding First Division.

SOURCE:  “Special Dispatch to the Republican,” The Missouri Republican, St. Louis, Missouri, Tuesday Morning, February 11, 1862, p. 3.

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