
Thursday, November 21, 2019

High Price of Negroes - published January 22, 1857

The Montgomery (Alabama) Messenger of the 7th instant says:

We mentioned something yesterday of the sale of negroes on Monday, but we did not give the highest price paid which was a fellow, field hand, $1,800.  The lot of sixteen—of which the above was one—old, young and every description, averaged something over 800 each.  Yesterday another lot was sold here, bringing large prices—the highest we learn, bringing $1,600.

On Tuesday last, the sale day in Muscogee county, we are credibly informed by the sellers that a lot of negroes—a large one—“old an[d] young, and every description averaged” $850 each.  Now who can believe there is no money in the country?  And negroes hired at very high rates—ordinary female servants were bid off at $120 and upwards, and others in proportion.—Columbus Sun.

SOURCE: The Carolina Spartan, Spartanburg, South Carolina, Thursday, January 22, 1857, p. 2

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