
Thursday, November 7, 2019

William T. Sherman to Thomas Ewing, January 29, 1860

SEMINARY, Jan. 29, 1860.

DEAR SIR: . . . I perceive no signs of insubordination on the part of the cadets. On the contrary they are well behaved. No person here would think now of suspecting me, though I have made no promises or advances. The governor too, Wickliffe, in his message, congratulates the people of Louisiana in having secured so good a faculty, and the new governor, Moore, has I know expressed himself well pleased at all I have done. I have initiated the Seminary, and its details work as smoothly as an older college, and already bills are introduced into the legislature to appropriate annually the sum of $25,000 which in addition to the fund accruing at interest on the proceeds of sale of U.S. lands will place us in good financial condition. Also, it is proposed to enlarge the number of State cadets to forty-eight, one from each parish, and to establish here a State Arsenal. If these be done or only in part this Seminary must become an important institution. It is furthermore proposed to change our title to the Louisiana Military Academy. The State of Louisiana is comparatively wealthy, and she is abundantly able to do these things handsomely. . . .

SOURCE: Walter L. Fleming, General W.T. Sherman as College President, p. 131

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