
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

John A. Quitman to His Brother, July 23, 1832

Monmouth, July 23d, 1832.

By the last mail I received the truly afflicting intelligence of the death of our poor old father. Your last letter had prepared me, and I expected to hear of it by every mail. We should not grieve. He had long since been deprived of every enjoyment which a participation in the affairs of this world can give. Death to him must have been a relief from the burden of existence. His very useful career had long since terminated. When we have performed the part which Providence has assigned us, and when the faculty of enjoying even the few pleasures of old age has ceased, it can not be considered a misfortune to die. I have felt a melancholy gratification in learning from Dr. Wackerhagen's letter that the last hours of our venerable father were free from pain. There will be many in another world to bear witness to the good he has done in this. The time of each of us is to come, but while we are here let us act well our part.

SOURCES: John F. H. Claiborne, Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitman, Volume 1, p. 131-2

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