
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Nineteenth Illinois Veterans.

The Nineteenth Illinois Veterans Club held a meeting at the Grand Pacific last evening, Colonel A. W. [Raffin] in the chair.  Letters of regret were read from General John B. Turchin and others who could not be present at the recent reception.

Comrade W. H. Christian offered the following resolution, which passed:

WHEREAS, It has come to the knowledge of this club that Captain O. E. Eames has prepared a paper giving incidents of the history of the Nineteenth Illinois Infantry, therefore,

Resolved, That he be requested to read the paper to this club at the next meeting.

After the transaction of routine business, the club adjourned to the first Tuesday in April.

SOURCE: “Nineteenth Illinois Veterans,” The Inter Ocean, Chicago, Illinois, Wednesday, March 3, 1880, p. 8.

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