
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Story For Mr. Bates.

One day when Mr. Bates was remonstrating with Mr. Lincoln against the appointment of some indifferent lawyer to a place of judicial importance, the President interposed with, “Come, now, Bates, he’s not half so bad as you think.  Besides that, I must tell you, he did me a good turn long ago.  When I took to the law, I was going to court one morning, with some ten or twelve miles of bad road before me, and I had no horse.  The Judge overtook me in his wagon.  ‘Hello, Lincoln, are you not going to the court house? Come in, and I’ll give you a seat.’  Well, I got in, and the Judge went on reading his papers.  Presently the wagon struck a stump on one side of the road; then it hopped off to the other  I looked out, and I saw the driver was jerking from side to side in his seat; so, says I, ‘Judge, I think your coachman has been taking a little drop too much this morning.’  ‘Well, I declare, Lincoln,’ said he, ‘I should not much wonder if you are right, for he has nearly upset me half a dozen times since starting.’  So putting his head out of the window, he shouted, ‘Why, you infernal scoundrel, you are drunk!’  Upon which pulling up his horses and turning round with great gravity, the coachman said, ‘By gorra! That’s the first rightful decision you have given for the last twelvemonth.”

SOURCE: New York Daily Herald, New York, New York, Friday, February 19, 1864, p. 5, and copied from the New York Evening Post, New York, New York, Wednesday, February 17, 1864.


  1. bates is so interesting...if its same bates..The Bates I read about hated slavery..
    as did thousands of othets...because he hated blacks. Was disappointed Lincoln did not favor FORCED deprortation

    Ha you seen anything like that?

    Not uncommon at all.


    1. Seems nearly everyone throwing around Lincoln as for colonization dont much care that Lincoln, like Frederick Douglass, was for VOLUNTARILY...WITH HELP leaving US.

      In fact Lincoln sent US navy ship during the war to South America...not sure which RESCUE a group of ex slaves there. By the time they arrived, it seems it was too late.

      But here is another thing...hope this is not too long..

      We can...and often, scholars and fools alike...quote Lincoln to anything we want. There is always a quote.

      A perfect example of just not knowing...or perhap intentional Lincolns stand on colonization, in ADDITION to never explaning Licoln was for VOLUNTARILY leaving...but its even worse

      I Peoria 1854 speech...extremely important time

      Lincoln said essentially slave owners deserve contempt kicking and death

      Read context...know what went on the last 6 months would help. But he in no way meant anyone should kick slave owners to death.

      No on left downtown Peoria confused...because they heard the full speech

      In the full speech, we have well meaning folks...including scholars...who claim Lincoln was for forced colonization

      Wrong. A few sentences further...Licoln made it clear colonization would take all the ships on earth...something to that effect, and was manifestly cruel and unworkable.

      Yet see how Stephen A Douglas used such speeches to get crowds to yell DOWN WITH NI**ers at a debate.

      If we fail to know these basics ..we will never get the Civil War..or Slavery...or Lincoln right

