
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Salmon P. Chase to Abraham Lincoln, February 22, 1864

Washington Feb 22, 1864
My dear Sir

It is probable that you have already seen a letter printed in the Constitutional Union, Saturday afternoon, & reprinted in the Intelligencer this morning, written by Senator Pomeroy, as Chairman of a Committee of my political friends.

I had no knowledge of the existence of this letter before I saw it in the Union.

A few weeks ago several gentlemen called on me & expressed their desire, which, they said, was shared by many earnest friends of our common cause, that I would allow my name to be submitted to the consideration of the people in connexion with the approaching election of Chief Magistrate. I replied that I feared that any such use of my name might impair my usefulness as Head of the Treasury Department & that I much preferred to continue my labors where I am & free from distracting influences, until I could honorably retire from them. We had several interviews. After consultation, and conference with others, they expressed their united judgment that the use of my name as proposed would not affect my usefulness in my present position; and that I ought to consent to it. I accepted their judgment as decisive; but at the same time told them distinctly that I could render them no help, except what might come incidentally from the faithful discharge of public duties; — for these must have my whole time. I said also that I desired them to regard themselves as not only entirely at liberty, but as requested, to withdraw my name from consideration whenever, in their judgment the public interest would be promoted by so doing.

The organization of the Committee, I presume, followed these conversations; but I was not consulted about it; nor have I been consulted as to its action; nor do I even know who compose it. I have never wished that my name should have a moment's thought in comparison with the common cause of enfranchisement & restoration or be continued before public a moment after the indication of a preference by the friends of that cause for another.

I have thought this explanation due to you as well as to myself. If in your judgment there is anything in my action or position which, in your judgment, will prejudice the public interest under my charge I beg you to say so. I do not wish to administer the Treasury Department one day without your entire confidence.

For yourself I cherish sincere respect and esteem, and, permit me to add, affection. Differences of opinion as to administrative action have not changed these sentiments; nor have they been changed by assaults upon me by persons who profess themselves the special representatives of your views and policy. You are not responsible for acts not your own; nor will you hold me responsible except for what I do or say myself.

Great numbers now desire your reelection. Should their wishes be fulfilled by the suffrages of the people I hope to carry with me into private life the sentiments I now cherish, whole and unimpaired.

With great respect,
Yours truly
S P Chase

[Endorsed on Envelope by Lincoln:]

Secretary Chase on Occasion of Secret Circular

SOURCE: Lincoln, Abraham. Abraham Lincoln papers: Series 1. General Correspondence. 1833 to 1916: Salmon P. Chase to Abraham Lincoln, Monday,Pomeroy Circular; endorsed by Lincoln. 1864. Manuscript/Mixed Material.

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