
Saturday, August 8, 2020

Samuel Read Anderson

Samuel Read Anderson is dead. The Legislature of his adopted State, recognizing in him a worthy descendant of a Revolutionary sire, as a public recognition of his eminent services to his adopted State, while the rough gale of death sweeps him from the rising tide of earthly honors, doth declare that we recognize in him an example worthy of imitation by the members of this body. A wise counsellor in peace, a brave soldier in war, an honest public servant, who valued the opportunity of doing good higher than the perquisites of office, a citizen of unblemished reputation and a Christian hero whose life taught the sublime lesson that firmness of conviction in the discharge of public duty may be tempered with kindness and brotherly love. We further declare that this memorial be spread upon our minutes, and a copy furnished his family, with a tender of the sympathy of this body.

JOHN J. McCANN of Davidson,
W. A. BUNTIN of Robertson,
W. J. MALLORY of Dickson,

SOURCE: House Journal of the Forty-third General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, which Convened at Nashville, on the First Monday in January, A. D. 1883, p. 54

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