
Sunday, September 20, 2020

Diary of Colonel Jacob Ammen, April 6, 1862

A beautiful, bright, pleasant morning. The men of the Tenth Brigade are putting their guns in order and brushing their uniforms for the parade. The officers are busy with their commands to have all in readiness, and Jesse Crane is polishing my spurs and preparing my horse and his rider to appear to the best advantage at the review and inspection ordered. The sound of distant cannon in the direction of Pittsburg Landing is heard; not an uncommon occurrence when near a large army. The reports are more numerous and the intervals less, and soon there is almost a continuous roar of artillery; distant, it is true, but as it continues and increases without any cessation, all conclude that a battle has commenced and is raging. The officers and men of the Tenth Brigade are more diligent in preparing themselves to march, to have arms and ammunition ready for the conflict. The preparation for parade and review is abandoned and all attention given to what is required in battle. General Nelson comes dashing to our camp at the head of his staff, and gives me orders to be ready to proceed to the assistance of the Army of the Tennessee at Pittsburg Landing either by the boats or through the swamp, if the officers and cavalry sent by General Buell and himself found a practicable route through the swamp. He went to the landing on the river to watch for the boats and said he would send me orders. The Tenth Brigade was soon under arms and inspected, cartridge boxes filled, every gun examined. The Thirty-sixth Indiana, Sixth Ohio, and Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; also Cox's Indiana battery, six pieces, horses harnessed, regimental teams ready to move, all prepared. If the teams and battery had to be left, a guard was detailed to remain with them. Having my arms and ammunition in order and the men ready to march and no orders from General Nelson, I rode to the brick house (headquarters), on the river, and there met Generals Buell and Nelson, both very impatient, as there was no appearance of boats coming down the river from the battle-field. Part of those sent to the swamp had returned and reported unfavorably. The others were anxiously looked for, and it was hoped would find a route practicable for infantry at least. The roar of artillery continued and rumors of our defeat were numerous. The boats appeared to be the only means of our reaching our companions in arms. I ascertained that my friend General C. F. Smith was upstairs, a cripple, and obtained permission to see him. He was in fine spirits; laughed at me for thinking that a great battle was raging; said it was only a skirmish of pickets, and that I was accustomed to small affairs. He said it was a large and hot picket skirmish. As there was no cessation, no diminution, and the sounds appeared to be coming nearer and growing more distinct, he said a part of the army might be engaged.

At this point an orderly came to the door and said General Nelson wanted to see me. I bade General Smith adieu, and was at once with Generals Buell and Nelson. A small steamer was approaching the landing from below and was soon to proceed up the river. The remainder of the officers and men had returned from the swamp without success, but a large, fine-looking Tennesseean, who professes to be a strong Union man and a desperate hater of rebels, is with the two generals. He says he knows every pass through the swamp; that he can conduct the infantry to the battlefield, but that wagons and artillery cannot get through the deep mud. It is about noon. General Buell orders General Nelson to march through the swamp if the boats do not soon appear in sight. General Buell and staff take passage on the steamer and start up the river for Pittsburg Landing. General Nelson orders me to my camp, to have my command formed ready to march either by boat or by land. About 1 p.m. an officer came with the guide and orders from General Nelson to march through the swamp, as no boats were in sight. The column being ready the forward is sounded; the march is commenced along a ridge. The teams, artillery, and guard are left in camp. General Nelson goes to start the other brigades of his division. The Tenth Brigade marches at a good rate, on a dry road at the beginning, to the music of the cannons' roar. On we go; the battle is evidently nearer, and we imagine the sound of small-arms can at times be heard. Three miles of good road on the ridge and our fine-looking guide leads down into the black-mud swamp, and consoles me by saying there are only about 5 miles more of it to the Landing. On the men march through the mud; cross a log bridge across a ditch full of water (bridge fastened down), to get into mud again. Our guide leads through a forest; no improvement.. If there is a road, the subsiding waters leave but indistinct traces. The roar of cannon continues; the volleys of musketry can be distinguished. The men appear cool, yet marched a good rate through the mud; appear anxious to meet the foe. The Thirty-sixth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Col. W. Grose, is in front. This regiment has not been under fire; has not seen much service. The Sixth Ohio, Lieut. Col. N. L. Anderson, is next; has seen more service than the Thirty-sixth, but has not been under fire as a regiment, although has had skirmishes, &c. The Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Lieut. Col. F. C. Jones, brings up the rear. This regiment has been under severe fire several times; behaved well, but does not appear as anxious as the other regiments to get into a fight. In spite of the mud and water we are making our way through the dense forest. General Nelson comes dashing along, followed by his staff and escort. Says to me. “I will take your guide; hurry on; you can follow our trail. A hundred horsemen moving rapidly by twos over such ground left a trail that we had no difficulty in following. Heavy as the marching is the men do their best to hurry on; no stop at the end of the hour; no lagging behind; all the men are eager to comply with the wish of their brave, impetuous general; rough at times, but always takes good care of the men under his command, and they have full confidence in his skill to direct their movements in battle, and to extricate them, if necessary, in good order, &c. The sound of the guns is more distinct; imagination hears the shout of the combatants; the field of strife is much nearer. Some distance in front of the head of the column a courier at full speed meets, halts, and says, "Colonel Ammen, the general sends his compliments, to hurry up or all will be lost; the enemy is driving our men.”

“How far to the river?”  “A mile and a half or two miles.” “Return, and tell the general we are coming as fast as possible.” I ordered my staff officers to continue in front and stop couriers if any more came; not to let such news get to the troops in column. I rode to the side and let the troops file by, asking them if they could march faster without too much fatigue, as they were needed. “O, yes, colonel; we are not tired. Do you think the fight will be over before we get there?” My answer, “I hope so, if it goes right.” They answer, “You have seen the elephant often; we want to see him once, anyhow.” The Thirty-sixth Indiana and Sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry were eager for the fight. The Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry had seen the elephant several rimes, and did not care about seeing him again unless necessary. All three regiments were cheerful; considerably excited, yet cool.

Our pace was accelerated, and I was again at the head of the column, when another courier came with a message of the same import as the first, and soon another. Both were sent back, and the head of the column emerged from the dense forest into a field that bordered on the Tennessee River. Now at intervals the shouts of men could be heard, the steam-whistle, discharge of all kinds of arms—a confused noise. In we went to a point opposite the landing at Pittsburg. The pioneers were put to work to cut a road down the bank to enable men and horses to get on the boats. The northeast bank is low, the opposite bank is high—100 feet or more. The space between the top of the bank and the river, up and down a half a mile or more, was crowded with men; the river was full of boats with steam up, and these boats had many soldiers on them; men in uniform on the boats and under the river bank (10,000 to 15,000) demoralized. Signals urging us to hurry over, which could not understand, as there were so many on the boats and under the bank not engaged of the reserve, as I supposed then. General Nelson went over on the first boat with a part of the Thirty-sixth Indiana, Colonel Grose. General Nelson ordered me to remain and see my brigade over and give orders to the commanders of the other brigades (Colonels Hazen and Bruce) to bring their brigades after the Tenth. I instructed Colonel Grose to be certain to keep guides at the river to conduct all our command to the same point on their arrival by boat. Part of the Tenth had been sent over; orders had been given to Colonels Hazen and Bruce, and I crossed half of the Tenth. On each side the boats were crowded with demoralized soldiers, so that only three or four companies could cross on a boat. On our passage over they said their regiments were cut to pieces, &c., and that we would meet the same fate, &c. The vagabonds under the bank told the same story, and yet my new troops pressed through the crowd without showing any signs of fear. In crossing the river some of my men called my attention to men with uniforms, even shoulder-straps, making their way across the stream on logs, and wished to shoot the cowards. Such looks of terror, such confusion, I never saw before, and do not wish to see again.

On top of the banks, near some buildings, I found the Thirty-sixth Indiana partly formed in line, persons running from the front passing through the line and breaking it. Here, too, were Generals Grant, Buell, and Nelson, all of them cool and calm. General Grant directed me to support a battery about 60 to 100 yards to the left of the road, which was done as soon as the line could be formed—probably in three or four minutes—Generals Buell and Nelson assisting. The Thirty-sixth Indiana and part of the Sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry were placed in position behind the crest of the hill, near the battery, the left protected by a deep ravine parallel to the river and having water in it; the right about 300 yards from the landing. General Buell, that cool and clear-headed soldier, selected the position, and was with us when the rebels reached the crest of the hill, received our fire, were shaken, fell back, advanced again, &c. The assaults of the enemy were met by our troops and successfully resisted. About five minutes after we were in position the rebels made the first attack, and kept on a quarter to haft hour (dusk), when they withdrew. Our loss was only 1 man killed. We were down the slope of the hill, and the enemy firing before they depressed their pieces, the balls went over our heads. Our men, in the hurry, fired in the same way. The balls followed the slope of the ground and were destructive. [?] The extreme left of the line of battle, which we occupied and where we repelled the attacks of the enemy, had not one soldier on it when we took position---open for the advance of the enemy. Lieut. R. F. Wheeler, of my staff, and some men of my escort were detailed to watch the boats and bring the troops of the Tenth Brigade to us as they arrived. The remainder of the Sixth was formed in rear of our line of battle, but the Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry was ordered about half a mile to our right, where the enemy was making a desperate attack. Their position was watched and reported to me by some men of my escort. The night was soon very dark, and slight rain at first, then heavy at times. The other brigades of the Fourth Division were over or crossing. Ammunition was brought to a large tree close to our lines, the cartridge boxes were filled and 20 additional rounds given to every man to carry on his person. This done, General Buell directed me to send scouts to the front and ascertain if the enemy was near our front, and, if possible, advance our line of battle several hundreds yards and as near the deep bayou that was reported in our front as practicable. One company of the Thirty-sixth Indiana and one company of the Sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry were deployed as skirmishers on our front and ordered to advance cautiously and in order, but not to bring on an engagement—to advance to the opposite bank of the bayou and halt, sending back couriers to report from time to time. These companies moved cautiously and promptly, taking into account the darkness of the night and the difficulties of the ground, found no force between us and the bayou, and remained as our picket line until morning.

About 10 o'clock at night we commenced forming our new line of battle beyond the crest of the hill, in advance of our old line about 300 yards. Too dark to see, we prolonged our line by touch. The line was formed in a short time, although, if the ground could have been seen, it would have been a very long line—front line, Thirty-sixth Indiana and Sixth Ohio. About 10.30 o'clock at night Generals Buell and Nelson returned and asked if I was almost ready to commence forming my advance line. The answer was, “It is about formed,” which gratified them. The Nineteenth was formed on the right of the Tenth and the Twenty-second on the right of the Nineteenth Brigade. The Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry was brought back about midnight and formed my second line and reserve. The troops had orders to lie down in line with their arms and get such rest as they could in the rain, the pickets in front keeping watch. The Tenth Brigade is together again, formed in battle order; has had supper, and is supplied (every man) with 60 rounds of ammunition, to commence the battle to-morrow. The men are as comfortable as the enemy in front and the falling rain and want of shelter will permit, and certainly much more cheerful and prompt and obedient than I could expect. My staff officers, my escort, and myself are between the two lines of the Tenth Brigade. The guns fired at intervals from the gunboats break the stillness of the night, but do not prevent sleep. It is after midnight, rain falling, and I am sitting at the root of a large tree, holding my horse, ready to mount if necessary. Sleep, sweet, refreshing sleep, removes all my anxieties and troubles for two hours. During the night Crittenden's and McCook's divisions crossed the river.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 10, Part 1 (Serial No. 10), p. 331-5

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