
Friday, October 30, 2020

An Academic Court Martial, January 31, 1860

 SEMINARY OF LEARNING, January 31, 1860.

ORDER NO. 10. Professors Vallas, Smith, and St. Ange will assemble at the office at 3 p.m., this day, and examine into all the facts of the altercation between Cadets S. W. H—s and D. T. H—h, between the hours of 4 p.m. and the drill call of yesterday, and will report the same as soon as concluded, with a synopsis of the testimony elicited. The Board will question witnesses, who are bound by the obligations of honor, and good faith to reveal without prejudice or favor the whole truth.

2. During the pending of this inquiry, Cadet S. M. H—s will be suspended from the duties of acting orderly sergeant, and the commandant of cadets will name some other cadet to call the rolls.

3. The Board, if necessary will adjourn from time to time to such hours as will not materially interfere with the academic exercises.

W. T. SHERMAN, Superintendent.

SOURCE: Walter L. Fleming, General W.T. Sherman as College President, p. 139

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