
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Jonathan Worth: A Resolution.* probably between November 19, 1860 and February 25, 1861

Resolved, That while we recognize the right of the Genl. Government to garrison and defend its forts within our borders, and deem it the duty of the President of the United States to protect and defend said forts against the aggression or adverse occupation of all persons whatsoever; in the present state of affairs we think it highly inexpedient that the general Government exercise such right or make any other military demonstration, tending to civil war.

Resolved, further, That while we earnestly deprecate a military collision between the authorities of the United States and the people or authorities of any State of this Union, we deem it inexpedient to declare, in advance, what part we should take, in the event of such collision, until all the attending circumstances shall be known.

* This resolution is in Jonathan Worth's writing, and was probably prepared by him during the General Assembly of 1860-61.

SOURCE: J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton, Editor, The Correspondence of Jonathan Worth, Volume 1, p. 129

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