
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Gustavus V. Fox to Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont, April 3, 1862

Navy Department 
April 3, 1862 
My dear Commodore, 

The deficiency of coal is entirely Lenthall's fault, for on the impression gathered from your notes I have spoken to him daily for sixty days. We will make some different arrangements about sending it. In the meantime Lenthall is ordered to hire steamers to carry coal to Port Royal, and the Bienville will be loaded full and sent off, and you can return her for more, or for docking, if she requires it.

The Kensington at Port Royal is most serious to Farragut. Now that operations are closed inside of Hatteras so soon as the Merrimac is disposed of and the movement which McClellan asks for performed by Goldsborough, we shall be able to send you a dozen vessels.

Our summer's work must be Charleston by the navy. We can give you the Monitor and Galena, iron vessels, the former can go up to Charleston and return in perfect safety. The other is simply an ordinary formed vessel clad with iron. What do you say to it, and what should you require besides these vessels? I should like your views, and be enabled to give to you the crowning act of retribution.

The running of the blockade to Nassau and Havana, and the escape of the Nashville both ways has caused petitions to be started in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, for the removal of Mr. Welles. Uncle Abram has no idea of giving way to these people, so you may feel no anxiety. Stringham has made a strong push to get recommended for a vote of thanks, urging that you received it for an action previous to the passage of the law. So we sent in your name again to quiet him. There is no chance for him. Davis is here smiling and happy. Think over Charleston, and see if we can do it about June. We have about $25000000 for iron vessels, thanks to our disaster at Old Point. Can't you send me half a dozen secesh swords of the commonest kinds, for distribution? The rage here for trophies beats the Mediterranean antiques. With my best wishes for all your plans—so wise and successful.

Most truly yours
G. V. Fox. 

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 114-5

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