
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Diary of Corporal David L. Day: October 29, 1862


Our regiment is now left with only one field officer, Major Pickett. Col. Upton left us yesterday and Lieut. Col. Sprague and Adjutant Farkness left us two weeks ago. Lieut. Col. Sprague left to take command of a nine months' regiment already recruited in the city of Worcester. Adjutant Harkness is commissioned major of the same regiment. Col. Uptou resigned on account of failing health, which I hope he may speedily recover after reaching home. All three of these officers have had the confidence and respect of the regiment in a marked degree, and our best wishes attend them in other fields. As a slight token of their regard for Col. Upton, the enlisted men having manufactured a $1000 sword, which they intend to present to him. Major Pickett will succeed to the coloneley, and according to military usage, Capt. Moulton of company H will be lieutenant colonel and Capt. Atwood of company C will be major. This will fill the field again, and occasion some changes and promotions in the line. I reckon if I was of an ambitious turn of mind, I should aspire to some of these places of honor and emolument, but remembering the promise that whoever humbleth himself shall be exalted, I will continue to wait on. 


Massachusetts boys are getting thick as blueberries about here, and we are glad to see them. Three regiments of nine months' troops have just arrived, the 3d, 5th and 4th regiments, and I hear that more are coming. A good many of the. new comers have called on us and seem desirous of making our acquaintance, to which we are not averse, seeing they are good appearing fellows and have plenty of money, which is not a bad qualification, especially when introduced to the sutler. I learn that Gen. Foster leaves tomorrow on an expedition, taking with him nearly all the force here, including the three new regiments. That will be breaking them in pretty quick after getting here. They, of course, have not had much drill and probably half of them never fired a gun. But to us, a little trip up the country is cheering news. After being shut up in camp so long any change is gladly accepted. 

SOURCE: David L. Day, My Diary of Rambles with the 25th Mass. Volunteer Infantry, p. 68-9

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