
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Captain Percival Drayton to Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont, June 30, 1862

U.S.S. Pawnee        
Stono River June 30th. 1862 

I had written you a letter on the 28th in relation to the most unfortunate and at the same time injurious evacuation of James Island by the army, as our forces were quite securely placed in an advantageous position. I cannot comprehend it, except on the supposition of positive orders from home, or the adoption by Genl. Hunter of a policy similar to that which has so frequently induced the Southern places of strength to be vacated, but which we have never yet understood. 

In the present case, I am satisfied that what is being done, will not only greatly inspirit the enemy, but depress our own troops, who must look upon themselves as beaten off, and by a force little if at all superior to theirs. As it will not now be necessary to send the letter alluded to above, I will merely repeat in substance, what I there said, and which has been talked over since with Capt. Rodgers. I am quite convinced, that if we seriously determine on the reoccupation of their deserted batteries on this river, no number of wooden vessels could wholly prevent it, but still as I think that they would be much more likely to undertake this, were there no chance of interruption, I recommend that a sufficient force be left here, to, at least, oblige caution in their approaches, and thus at least gain time, which may enable us to perhaps retake our old positions here, should Genl. Hunter's policy not meet with approval. 

Coles Island is so difficult of access, and the anchorage so roomy, that vessels lying in it could scarcely be interfered with, at least without plenty of warning, and they would be also in easy communication with our squadron outside by signal. I would consequently recommend that after the departure of the Army, our ships remain in the river to retain as complete possession as may be practicable, at least until you are satisfied that all attempts on Charleston are to be definitely given up, when you can of course reduce the force to the mere requirements of a blockade; until the army is safely on board, no vessel should, in my opinion, leave, immediately on that being done, I will send to Port Royal the Unadilla, and to Capt. Marchand the Huron, waiting further orders from you for the disposition of the other vessels. As I have before said, I do not believe that in their present depressed state of feeling, the attempt will be made by the Confederates to reoccupy any of their deserted coast lines, should they however be inspirited, either by success at the North, or by a continuance of such acts as the one I have commented upon above, they can scarcely help becoming bold on our timidity, and will no doubt at once endeavor to prevent another approach to Charleston by James Island the only one where our army can have a firm base of operations in complete communication with its own transports, and our fleet, and when it at once fixes itself, without any risk, within sight of the steeples of Charleston. 

Very Respy Your Obdt Servt. 
P. DRAYTON Comdr     
Senior Offr 
Flag Officer S. F. DuPont 
    Comdg. S. Atl. Sqdn 
        Port Royal

P. S. The Paul Jones arrived here direct from Washington on the 25 June on the 30th with orders to report to the Senior Officer at Stono. I will keep her until I hear from you. 

Very Respy 

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 133-5

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