
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Gustavus V. Fox to Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont, June 11, 1862

Navy Department         
June 11 1862 
My Dear Flag Officer 

I have your notes, and today the box came, and the distribution shall be made in your name as you request. I notice the very important move you are making in the Stono and send you herewith the Topog. chart of the same. I also obtained an order for the Vanderbilt to proceed immediately with schooners for transportation to Hunter. I also obtained the revocation of an order which was made out withdrawing his cavalry regiment. 

Until Richmond falls it is impossible, of course, to give him men, or you the gunboats. What a pity, when the key of the city is within reach. The 'Flag' sailed Saturday and the South Carolina takes this. We finally gave an order that the Flag should be taken out if her engine would move. 

The Comr's are not satisfied unless these vessels can be turned into regular men of war. I looked into the matter of orders to marine officers and find that it is conformable to "usage.” Davis has wiped out the western rebel navy, and our forces are investing Mobile. 

The Powhatan is promised early in July, which means the last, S.C. Rowan to command her. We will send her to you. Many thanks for the sword. I have a memento of most of the battles, presented by those whose valor gave victory to our cause and therefore doubly valuable to me. I enclose you two notes which explain themselves. I shall esteem it a favor if you will give directions to have this body placed in the coffin and sent to the Father, who is my old and dear Pastor, and whose son received his appointment at my hands, and died in the service of his country under your command. The coffin went out by the Massachusetts, previous to her present trip. 

Very truly yours 
G. V. Fox. 

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 128-9

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