
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Major Charles Wright Wills: February 14, 1865

 EXPLANATORY Note. Until this time the 15th Army Corps had never had a Corps Badge, though the other corps commanders had long tried to induce General Logan to adopt one. Yielding at last to their solicitations he issued the following order:

The adoption of the cartridge box as the distinguishing badge of the 15th Corps is said to have originated in this way: Before the battle of Missionary Ridge a soldier in the 11th Army Corps asked an Irish soldier of the 15th Corps what the badge of his corps was.

“And phwat is that badge thing?” he asked.

Being told and having no badge to show in reply, he answered, slapping his cartridge box: “It's that, wid 40 rounds!”


Nearing Columbia, S. C., February 14, 1865.

Good road to-day. Fine rolling country. Sand with pine wood and scrub oak. Saw the wagoners use their locks to-day for the first time since we crossed the Oconee, in Georgia. Logan's escort got after some Johnnie foragers to-day and captured four wagons and 50 or 60 horses and mules. The Rebels are shooting from the other side of the river and there was a lot in front of us when we stopped here. Lee is said to be in front with 40,000 men. It seems to be the opinion that we will have a fight. Can probably tell better to-morrow night. Rain all p. m., and still quite cold. Wear overcoats all the time.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 346-8

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