
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: August 9, 1862

[W]e move to our new and fresh càmping ground, near battery C, Captain Hackney will remember the day we moved, for if we remember correctly the ague shook him like an earthquake, but the soldier's medicine proved a sure remedy. What a god-send! While here our camp and picket duties are heavy. Lieutenant Ring is now detached from his company, having been detailed as Police Officer of Corinth. General Ord has indeed made a good selection, but has damaged Company H. Contrabands are coming in daily. While in this camp some of the boys bring in one of these exiles from bondage, to enlist as a company cook, followed by his master, who enters complaint. The General being strictly averse to the "peculiar institution,” makes disposition of the case by compelling the old man to take the oath of allegiance and make his exit from the lines.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 84

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