
Monday, June 14, 2021

MajorCharles Wright Wills: March 19, 1865

Twelve miles from Goldsboro, and six from railroad,
March 19, 1865.

Made 15 miles. Only two bad swamps. Very heavy artillery and musketry on our left (14th and 20th Corps) all day. Hear this evening that our men suffered heavily. General Lee is said to be here. Opinion is divided as to our having a battle to-morrow. First rate country to-day and a good abundance of forage. The farmers here have not many negroes. Rebel cavalry demonstrated on our left to-day, quite lively and captured several foragers. Five foragers from our regiment who had been out five days and whom we had about given up, returned to-night. They have been with the 17th A. C. All quiet on our right.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 364

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