
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Thursday, January 1, 1863

The new year dawns peacefully, but not with a nation at peace. 1862 has been a year of blood, and 1863 may be likewise, for the loyal soldiers, with their bayonets, stand beneath the Union's battle-flag, all over this land, eager to follow it down where treason lifts its hydra-head ready to engage in the carnival of blood. To-day we are reminded that Lincoln's great proclamation takes effect. A chained race is declared free.

The Seventh's boys are now discussing the expediency of this proclamation. We discover that it has its advocates and its opposers among the members of the Seventh, some being fanatical in its praise, and others bitter in its denunciation, but the time will come when all will view this proclamation as the most powerful blow against the slave-holder's rebellion.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 126-7

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