
Saturday, September 18, 2021

William Preston Smith to John W. Garrett, October 18, 1859 — 8 a.m.

Harper's Ferry, Oct, 18, 1859 — 8 A. M.
J. W. Garrett:

The work is done. The marines after the insurgents refused to submit, broke in with sledges and heavy ladders, and amid heavy firing on both sides, five killed and others wounded, — took the survivors prisoners, and released the citizens who had been held as hostages, among whom was our clerk, Donohoo. Major Russell, of marines, headed them in person unarmed. I never saw so thrilling a scene. The insurgents are all fanatical, white-livered looking scamps of the sort that is ever agitating and exciting to mischief.

No difficulties have attended our trains except their slight irregularity by the interruption. I think the military from Baltimore will be down on mail train time, to-day. The Pennsylvania railroad directors will leave Martinsburg this morning and get to Baltimore this afternoon.


SOURCE: B. H. Richardson, Annapolis, Maryland, Publisher, Correspondence Relating to the Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, 17th October, 1859, p. 21

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