
Friday, October 29, 2021

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Brigadier-General Elias S. Dennis, July 11, 1863

Headquarters Department of the Tennessee
Vicksburg Miss. July 11.1863
Brig, Genl E. S. Dennis,
Comdg Dist N, E. La,

Genl, I have received a letter from Washington stating that the Duncan estate has been visited by the Press Gang or recruiting parties from your District, and their negroes carried off. The Duncan's have been loyal from the beginning of the rebellion and as loyal persons have had safe guard given them by myself and Admiral Porter; and I have further received instructions from Washington to protect all loyal persons found in the South and mentioning the family of Duncans in particular as being entitled to protection. They have gone so far as to acknowledge the freedom of their slaves, and made as I understand regular contracts with them to pay wages and employ them, just as negroes are being employed on the leased plantations, I want the matter fully investigated, and a report made to me. Send some officer immediately to Duncans to inquire for the facts. If their negroes have been carried off, find out where they are and who carried them off. Return to them as far as possible everything that has been taken. Arrest the parties engaged in this transaction, and all officers among them send to me under guard.

Very Respectfully
U. S. Grant
Maj, Gen.

SOURCE: John Y. Simon, Editor, The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume 9, p. 39

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