
Friday, October 29, 2021

Mrs. Mary Duncan to Abraham Lincoln, May 24, 1863

His Excellency Abraham Lincoln
President of the United States.
My Dear Sir.

Before stating my case — permit me to introduce myself to you on paper — as a Northern woman, — wife of Henry P. Duncan of Mississippi & daughter-in-law to Dr Stephen Duncan. We have all been & are devotedly loyal. & when I inform you that my husband has had to conceal himself on various occasions — to avoid arrest & imprisonment for his well-known loyalty — & that Mr Davis issued orders for my arrest — I shall probably have said enough in sign & token of our Unionism, although — if further evidence be required — I can refer you to Mr Seward, — Genl Halleck, Gen Grant, — Admiral Porter, — Mr Thurlow Weed, Mr Alex. Hamilton, Mr George Schuyler, & any number of influential & trust-worthy persons.— So much, then, for our claims on the protection & justice of our rulers!—

Owing to the conflicting authority on the Mississippi river — the “protection papers” given us (as well known loyalists) by Genl Grant & the Admiral have been rendered null & void. & while one party violated said papers in the name of the “Treasury De'pt” — (taking books, curtains, & all they wanted) certain officers (acting under orders from Genl Thomas) have forcibly seized & impressed our remaining male negroes. (saving some few who saved themselves by concealment or flight) & carried them off for service either as laborers or soldiers. — informing my husband “that all blacks thus impressed would be permitted to return to the estates to visit their families”! Thus — Genl Grant's authority — & Gen Halleck's orders — are entirely cancelled. & if Mr Chase can seize all cotton, — Genl Thomas seize all negroes, (despite their freedom & our wages) & if armed blacks can roam over the property at pleasure, may I ask, My Dear Sir, in what shape “protection” is to come? We have (in the Duncan family) nine plantations (about ninety miles above Vicksburg) on the Mississippi river. & owing to the depredations of the Union troops, — & the enormous loss in negroes — millions would hardly cover our losses. consequently it is somewhat natural that we should ask — due protection for the fragment that remains of a once princely fortune. It seems rather hard, too, that — as recognized Unionists — we should be made to suffer so peculiarly. & while anyone hiring our estate from Genl Thomas — can obtain negro labour, & all needful supplies & provisions — no loyal citizen (who has perilled his life for loyaltys sake) is permitted to purchase one pound of food for his starving laborers — or hire his own freed blacks. neither are they given any choice of masters. but impressed to make cotton for speculating strangers, — or forced into military service. This injustice to Unionists speaks for itself. & having recently returned from a brief visit to that Mississippi region — I can speak from observation & experience — of the condition of things in that miserable country.— If we are recognized & acknowledged as faithful & long-suffering Unionists — can we not have protection from the Flag? & to you — My Dear Sir — as Chief Magistrate — do I apply for that “righting” of a great wrong. Our negroes are free. & we only ask to be permitted (with their consent) to hire the few that remain. & not to be further molested by either Gen' Thomas, — or commissioners from the Treasury De'pt.— Gen' Grant & the Admiral desire to protect us. but — their “papers” are rendered worthless — by the higher law of Gen' Thomas & others. so — I now ask your authority in the matter. in order that we may know what to expect, — & whose commands are to be obeyed? My father-in-law's Unionism has made him so conspicuous both North & South — that his name may perhaps be familiar to you. — or — you may perchance have known of him as former Vice President of the “Colonization Society”. He is Northern by birth & education, & — although nearly eighty years of age — has exhibited perfect courage & independence in the maintenance of his unflinching loyalty. yet — it is the property of this man & his family — that has been depredated & ruined.— If the oath of allegiance were offered tomorrow on the Mississippi river — it would be gladly taken by many. but — Gen' Thomas takes pains to repress & discourage loyalty. & — as in our case — makes no distinction between Unionist & rebel. All are punished & pillaged alike. & of what use are Gen' Grant & the brave Admiral's “papers” or commands — when Gen' Thomas (or others) can veto them! I have often declared (by tongue & pen) that I would willingly sacrifice all our property to ensure success to the Union cause. but — never thought that we were destined to be ruined pecuniarily — on account of the success of the Flag!

A few lines in answer would greatly oblige me. My address is care of “Duncan & Sherman. Bankers. New York”. & trusting that you will see justice administered to us — I remain, My Dear Sir, with much respect—1

Yours very truly
Mary Duncan.
Staten Island.
May 24 — 63.

1 Lincoln met with Mrs. Duncan on at least one occasion in order to discuss her family's property in the South. See Collected Works, VI, 481.

SOURCE: Papers of Abraham Lincoln at the Library of Congress, Accessed October 27, 2021

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