
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: April 7, 1863

In compliance with orders from headquarters the 3d brigade commanded by Colonel Bane, is marched and put into position in front of Division Headquarters, where a large flag-staff has been erected and preparation made for speaking, &c. One o'clock P. M. all the infantry regiments, battalions of cavalry and artillery are on the ground, and after they are arranged and in position, General Dodge gives the command, attention! and reads in a loud and clear voice the order of the day: 1st music, 2d raising of the flag, 3d salute, 4th music. After the salute and the martial notes had died away, General Dodge said, “Fellow officers and soldiers of the 2d division, we have assembled here to celebrate an eventful day-the day on which Shiloh's great battle closed. Brave men, you remember it well, and I am glad in my heart that you were there and performed so well your part. But I cannot talk to you, my heart is too full, and for your further entertainment I will introduce (though he needs no introduction,) the gallant Colonel M. M. Bane, the popular commander of the 3d brigade, whose empty sleeve will tell you quickly that he has a right to speak.” Colonel Bane takes the stand and delivers a good speech, full of enthusiasm and soul, which is often interrupted by loud bursts of applause. After Colonel Bane closes, the division is formed and marched in review, and then the regiments are conducted to their respective camps, long to remember their first anniversary of the battle of Shiloh.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 144-5

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