
Friday, November 5, 2021

Lieutenant-Colonel John A. Rawlins to Major-General John A. McClernand, June 8, 1863

[June 8, 1863]

You will direct Col Whitney to send over and ascertain, if there would be any danger in the Negroes marching across to Youngs Point, and if there would be none, send them there without delay, and if they cannot be sent by that route, let them go round by Chickasaw Bayou, travelling at night They cannot be kept at Warrenton. The 108th Ills, and 23d Iowa were to join their Divisions as soon as they could be releived by the 63d Illinois, which went to Youngs-Point yesterday. The disturbed state of that place may delay them there, but they will obey the order as soon as they can be spared from there. No Official report has been received from Gen'l [Dennis], one is expected momentarily. Admiral Porter reports the enemy were repulsed yesterday with a loss of 80 left dead on the field[.]

SOURCE: John Y. Simon, Editor, The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume 8, p. 322

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