
Friday, December 31, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Friday, May 8, 1863

The news from the armies is becoming more cheering. The political sky seems to be clearing up. The word comes again, “Onward to Richmond." We expect to hear of great battles ere long-battles that will make the loyal hearts throughout the Union leap with joy—battles that will shake the confederacy to its very center. And yet how sad it is to know that hearts that throb lightly now will before many days be cold in death—will have ceased their beating, because of the wicked ambition of men. Modern democracy will smile when the tide of war sweeps them down, but good men will drop tears to their memory, knowing that they died struggling for the advance of free thought and christian civilization; and over their graves will be written, “Defenders of the Union, and benefactors of a redeemed and disenthralled race."

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 166-7

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