
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Diary of John Beauchamp Jones: July 21, 1864

Clear and warm. Bought fifty cabbage-plants and set them out before breakfast

Gen. Early met Gen. Hunter at Snicker's Gap, and whipped him.

All quiet at Petersburg. Grant must be dead, sure enough.

Gen. Bragg left the city some days ago. The following is a verbatim dispatch received from him yesterday:

MONTGOMERY, ALA., July 19th, 1864.

COL. J. B. SALE:—The enemy still hold West Point Railroad Forces are moving forward to dislodge them. Gen. S. D. Lee in forms me 5000 (13th Army Corps) passed Vicksburg on the 16th, supposed to be going to White River. Reported Memphis, 19th Army Corps, Franklin left New Orleans on the 4th for Fort Monroe, 13,000 strong. Ought not Taylor's forces to cross the Mississippi?

I hear nothing from Johnston.

Telegraph me to Columbus, Ga.

B. BRAGG, General.

SOURCE: John Beauchamp Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital, Volume 2p. 252

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