
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Fight at Perrysville, Ky.[Bragg] [De]feated.

LOUISVILLE, Oct. 10, P. M. Yesterday [morning] Buell attacked Bragg’s forces at Chaplin [Creek in] the immediate vicinity of Perrysville. A shor[t but] terrible fight ensued, when the rebels [broke and rap]idly fled over three diverging roads  southward.  [Our] forces are in close pursuit; and hope to bag the lot.  At last accounts Gen. Gilbert’s forces [were in] the rear of the rebels, and some distance [below them.]  Military exigencies require the suppression [of the] name of the place. No further accounts [of the loss]es on either side.

LOUISVILLE, Oct. 10.—Great anxiety [and excitement] exists here respecting the fate of [of our soldiers] in the pending battle. Capt. Aldershaw [is on his] way hither from Bardstown, with the re[mains of] Gens. Jackson and Terrell, and Col. Webster [of the] 18th.

Among the Perrysville casualties are, killed—Gens. Jackson and Terrill, [acting Brig.] Generals Webster and Lytle of Ohio; [Lieut. Col.] Jewett and Major Campbell of the 15th [Kentucky] cavalry.  Col. Pope of the same [regiment is] wounded.

There is no confirmation of the [death of Gen.] Sheridan.

Gen. Rosseau is reported slightly [wounded.]

Col. Woolford, of the 1st Kentucky [cavalry, af]ter five charges, took two batteries, [and the enemy] after hard fighting, were driven 8 [miles.]

The foregoing relates to Wednesday[’s fight.]

Various rumors are circulating of [a fight] yesterday, (Thursday) said to be [favorable to the] Federals but are traceable to no [authentic source.]  At headquarters, 11 o’clock Friday [morning,] have received no advices from the [battlefield later] than Wednesday evening.

Our force in that fight was about [15,000 infantry,] 8 batteries of artillery, and 2,500 [cavalry, but were] reinforced toward the close of the [engagement.]  The rebel force has not been [estimated.]

Thursday morning we occupied [an advantageous] situation on all sides of the enemy. [Our troops are] in high spirits and are confident [of victory.]

Our loss in killed and wounded [in the] battle was 1,500.  The enemy’s loss [is considered] much greater.

The 10th Ohio lost 282 killed [and wounded] yesterday.

Company B. Capt. Farman [of Pope’s regiment] mostly from Louisville lost in [killed and wounded] all except twelve men.

SOURCES:  The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, October 18, 1862, p. 2, the right side of the article was caught be the seem of the bound newspaper volume and partially torn from the binding I have had to reconstruct the article by using articles from the Muscatine Weekly Journal, Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, October 17, 1862, p. 4, the Illinois State Journal, Springfield, Illinois, Saturday, October 11, 1862, p. 2 and The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, Illinois, Saturday, October 11, 1862, p. 2.  The missing or illegible words from the Union Sentinel article appear in brackets.

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