
Friday, January 21, 2022

John W. Garrett to Governor Henry A. Wise, October 26, 1859

Baltimore, Oct. 26th, 185[9].
Hon. H. A. Wise:

Dear Sir:—I duly received your esteemed advices of 26th instant.

In the present state of excitement in the vicinity of the late outrages, armed protection is probably judicious.

With the information and views of the Superintendent of the Armory especially, it is remarkable that the General Government fails to detail a military force to protect its property I have addressed Gov. Hicks as per copy herewith. I trust he will act in this State as you have in Virginia. In consequence of his absence from Annapolis no reply has yet been received.

In compliance with your request, I promptly used the most effective means to secure all the original papers in this city, connected with the conspiracy. Our officers believe all have been obtained.

Enclosed you will please find copy of a communication addressed to A. Hunter, Esq., which embraces the full particulars of this subject.

I am disposed to render any service in our power, and will be gratified if you will command us further. With great respect,

Truly yours,
J. W. GARRETT, Pres't.

SOURCE: B. H. Richardson, Annapolis, Maryland, Publisher, Correspondence Relating to the Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, 17th October, 1859, p. 37-8

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