
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Major-General William T. Sherman to Lieutenant Colonel John A. Rawlins, June 27, 1863

Camp at Bear Creek, June 27, 1863.

SIR: It was my purpose to have come to headquarters yesterday, but the importance of knowing the ground in this quarter, so broken and complicated, induced me to continue what I had begun, and I continued my exploration. Big Black River is so easily passable at many points that I am forced to extend my lines to watch all, and the result of my personal observations is contained in an order made last night, which is now being carried into effect. I found the enemy watching with cavalry an easy ford at Messinger's house. The family consisting of many women, whose husbands and brothers were evidently serving an easy purpose of keeping up communications, so I moved them all by force, leaving a fine house filled with elegant furniture and costly paintings to the chances of war. Also the family of Hill, with other war widows, at a place on the Birdsong road, is removed to a harmless place within our lines. These may appeal to the tender heart of our commanding general, but he will not reverse my decision when he knows a family accessible to the enemy—keen scouts—can collect and impart more information than the most expert spies. Our volunteer pickets and patrols reveal names and facts in their innocence which, if repeated by these women, give the key to our points.

As a general thing, the valley of Big Black River above the bridge has a wide fertile valley on this side, the hill coming down rather abrupt from the other. The ground slopes easily and gradually from the ridge, marked on Wilson's map from Oak Ridge, Neily's, McCall's, Wixon's, and Tiffintown. Innumerable roads and cross-roads intersect the country, which cannot be obstructed, but which, running on narrow ridges, with narrow corn-fields, admit of easy defense. It is only by familiarity with the country, its ugly ravines, its open, narrow ridges all coming to a common spur, that a comparatively small force can hold in check a large one.

If the enemy crosses at one point, he must take some days to get over his men and matériel, and then would have to feel his way, as he knows full well that many of them have been made impassable to his wagons and artillery. This will give us time to fall on him or await his attack. Should he cross at several points, our tactics would be to hold small forces in obstruction at the several points named in my order, and a heavy force fall on one or other of his detachments. If the enemy forces us back, Wixon's will be the grand battle-field, or somewhere on Clear Creek.

I think, unless General Grant thinks my services more useful elsewhere, I had better remain, as naturally all look to me for orders. Please ask the general to read the inclosed order* carefully, and, if any part is open to objection, to state it, that I may modify in time. I sent 800 cavalry, under Colonel Bussey, up the Ridge road toward Mechanicsville, last night, to sweep back by the lower Benton road. They went to Post Oak Ridge, and have not yet reported.

Yesterday our pickets skirmished a little at Messinger's. I was there, and did not see more than 15 or 20 men, on horseback, as curious to watch us as we them. One man, near Hill's, was shot through the head by a scamp from the bushes, who could not be found. As usual, my cavalry are not bold, but the infantry go in without any hesitation.

Not a sound, syllable, or sign to indicate a purpose of crossing Big Black River toward us, but I still enjoin on all that our enemy is too wary to give us notice a minute too soon. Every possible motive exists for them to come to the relief of Vicksburg, and we should act on that supposition rather than the mere signs of movements which are known only to Johnston, and will not be revealed, even to his own troops, till the last moment.

In order that you may understand any future communication, mark your map as follows: One and a half miles east of Young's, where the road comes in from Markham, mark Hill's; 1½ miles southeast of Hill's, Jones' plantation; 2 miles below Birdsong Ferry, Jones' Ford; 1½ miles southeast of Cameron, Messinger's plantation and Ford; 1 mile east of Fox, mark Parson Fox; 3 miles east of Tiffin, on the Bridgeport road, Brook. All these points may become of note. I still regard the country at Tiffin, Brant, Cowan, W. Wixon, and Hardaway as the key-points of this region.

I still have my headquarters by the roadside, in front of Tribbs', where the road forks to Young's and Markham's.

When this letter is read, please send it to my adjutant, to be copied in my letter-book, and returned to you for file.

I am, &c.,
W. T. SHERMAN,        
Major-General, Commanding.
        Assistant Adjutant-General.

* See General Orders, No. 49, June 29, Part III, p. 449

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 2 (Serial No. 37), p. 246-8

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